Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Our Doggie Dollie

For those of you that don't know the Vastola family has 4 doggies! I know, I'm a saint...but seriously, all four are like Jeremy and I's children. They are the ones that prepared us for Katelyn...teaching us things like discipline and sacrifice. We have been very lucky to have very well behaved and healthy canines...until now. Dollie, our girl Cavalier King Charles Spaniel has been putting on some weight for some time now, which we were aware of. She also has a breathing problem that makes her sound like a piggy when she breathes. I finally broke down and took her to the vet yesterday; I had been trying to hold out until it was time for the yearly checkup...but to no avail, I knew I couldn't wait any longer. We went to a new vet that is closer to home and he took blood to run a complete blood panel and also took a pee-pee sample. We waited to hear from the doctor this morning and when he called he had some good and bad news. Dollie's blood work came back and everything looked great...but the pee-pee sample didn't look so good...we had to go back in today to have an xray and we found some stones!! Now, we have to change her diet to a VERY expensive food and give Dollie an antibiotic for a week....I'm a little relieved, but at the same time I'm sad that my little baby doggie is sick! I will let you know how she does on this new diet and how our wallets do having to buy expensive food and pay the vet bills!! If you wouldn't mind, please pray for my Dollie....I would appreciate it and so would Katelyn! If you are lucky enough to have a pet, go love on them today....they are a special gift that all too often are overlooked and taken for granted.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh girl I totally feel your pain. First of all, the vet bills - they about bankrupt us with Charli . . .

but I will definitely be praying because I also know how hard it is to have a sick doggie - so sad!