Sunday, March 22, 2009

The First Weekend of Spring!

This weekend was fabulous and not just b/c of the weather and fun activities that took place...Katelyn started waving hello and goodbye on Saturday and today she started crawling!! I still cannot believe it!
On Saturday the wonderful neighborhood we live in had a spring sidewalk sale and little carnival for all the residents. Jeremy and I walked down to the clubhouse with Katelyn, Dollie and Brodie, not anticipating the exciting events that would take place! As we walked around the sidewalk sale checking out "the goods" we ended up stopping to talk to one of the families that had a table set up with books and videos for children. They were complimenting Jeremy and I on how cute Katelyn is and were asking us questions about her when the man began to wave at Katelyn and say hi to her...all of a sudden Katelyn raised her arm and slowly began moving it up and down....I could not believe my eyes, she was waving!! To make sure it wasn't a fluke, I began to wave to her and she waved right back...I was so excited, I found all of our neighbors and made them wave to Katelyn so they could all see how amazing she was! She definitely knows what she is doing and it is so fun to be able to interact with her like that!
Now, I did not think that the weekend could get any better after the exciting milestone that took place yesterday, but today after I took Katelyn and Dollie on our daily walk we were in the basement talking with daddy as he was doing some trim work when all of a sudden Katelyn starts crawling across the room! Jeremy and I began laughing b/c it came out of nowhere! I mean for about a month now, she has been pulling up on furniture and even taking a few steps holding onto whatever piece of furniture she is standing next to....she has even been able to get on all fours for at least 3 weeks, but it was like she didn't want to crawl. She has been scooting on her behind ever since she was 6 months old and is very good at it. I thought maybe she just wouldn't crawl and the pediatrician had told me the same thing, since she was so mobile already. As a mom, even though I knew not all children crawl, I still wanted Katelyn to do it, I wanted to be able to check that milestone off the list and be proud of my daughter for being an over achiever and learning multiple ways of moving around!
Now that she has accomplished so much in one weekend, I find myself being a little bit sad that she is growing up so fast. It hasn't even been 10 months since she was born and already she is more of a "big girl" than she is a baby! I knew that time would fly by, but I never anticipated it going as fast as it has! I'm definitely going to be kissing Katelyn and holding her a lot more than usual this week as I try to hold onto my baby as long as she'll let me!!


Unknown said...

That's so exciting :-) I cant wait to see her wave and crawl! I am going to be a mess - I just know it! I already feel like Jayci is just growing up WAY too stinkin fast!

Papa said...

Courtney your understanding now how Papa feels and thinks ,you and your sisters grew up so fast , it was hard for Grammie and Papa since sometimes we got to see you all only at Christmas becasue we lived so far away. It would have been great if we had the technology back then to stay in touch like today.

Love your blog site fantastic ! Love, Papa