Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Chaos

Well, I definitely did not think it would be almost a month until I would blog again, but the month of December always seems to sneak up on me and pass me by all at the same time!!
I love December because it is so full of celebration, but seem to dread the stress all the preparation "celebrating" brings. With Katelyn here this year, I have tried to not allow the stress to get to me...and I must admit I have failed miserably! At the same time, I now have this "too cute for words" face that looks at me and reminds me that in the end it really doesn't matter how much money I spend on gifts, or how much time we will spend with each family, all that matters is celebrating the birth of the first baby that came and changed our world forever...and this year our family will not only be rejoicing the birth of Jesus, but the birth of Katelyn~the second baby that came and changed our world!
Besides having Katelyn to diffuse some of the stress, we have had lots of Christmas parties to enjoy! The month started off with a bang, 2 parties the first weekend. The second party was with our neighbors and Jeremy and I had a blast! I am so thankful for where we truly is a blessing! Not only do we have fun neighbors, but we have neighbors that believe in the Lord, and I am so glad Katelyn has the opportunity to grow up in the same type of neighborhood I had the privilege of experiencing because today they are few and far between.
Another reason I haven't blogged in awhile besides parties is family. My sister Melanie and brother in law Patrick came in town from London last week! We only get to see them once a year, so when they are here it almost feels like the world stops. I love my sister and miss her so much when she is gone that when she is in town I try to spend as much time as possible with her.
Because Jeremy and I are blessed to have both of our families living in Georgia, it makes for a busy holiday season going from home to home...but we make do and this year that meant celebrating Christmas this past weekend. Jeremy was not too thrilled as he is still a child at heart and doesn't understand how this is the only holiday people celebrate on a different day~"nobody trick or treats on October 28th and no one has a 4th of July barbecue on July 5th" he proclaimed!~I love that man, always brings things into perspective!! :) We were more than spoiled this year...we received our dream gift, a Nikon D60!! We both had really wanted to have a good camera to capture our cutie patootie with and boy did we get one!! Katelyn was more than spoiled of course, which was very nice. It was so fun to watch her pull at the wrapping paper and eat the bows, but most of all it was wonderful to hear her laugh at new toys!! Oh how I wish I had that child like excitement still!! I cannot wait to see her on Christmas morning when we have our private little family celebration...I won't spoil what Santa will bring, all I will say is that mommy sure did have a lot of fun being the "helper" in selecting the perfect gifts for our little one!
As I look forward to Christmas Eve and Day I cannot help but hope that all of you are making as many wonderful memories as my family is! I promise to be more vigilant in keeping you up to date with the happenings here in our home and I also will try not to make it too long before I post some awesome pictures that we have taken with Jeremy and I's new "toy"!
I will leave you with my favorite quote from The Polar Express~"Though I've grown old the bell still rings for me, as it does for all who truly believe!"