Monday, March 30, 2009

A lesson learned

I have been a wellspring of emotion recently...and not the kind of emotion most would expect from me. Instead of tears, I have been so easily offended and angered by a wide range of things....the biggest thing being not feeling as if I'm good enough to be friends with certain people.
I have been very lucky in my life, I was raised to know my self worth in Christ alone and never really dealt with any big self esteem issues. I am 26 years old and am feeling like I'm back in middle school. Now, I don't want to be too candid, b/c I don't want to call out the people that have brought these feelings to the surface, that's not fair, since this really is a personal issue I need to work out myself...but I did want to release some of the things that have welled up inside of me for the past week or so.
It amazes me how satan works...he sneaks into the most hidden places and rears his nasty head at just the right moment...but even more amazingly is how God works...He wraps Himself up in all of you, so that even in the most hurtful and emotional of times, you are comforted....b/c He fills you with the truth. Whether it be from His word, or family member or a friend...He delivers a perfect peace at just the right moment! I have been in prayer over my recent attitude and the Lord directed me to Colossians 4:6~"Let your conversation be always full of GRACE, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer to everyone." I love the simple way the Message says it: "Be gracious in your speech. The goal is to bring out the best in others in a conversation, not put them down, or cut them out."
At first when I read over the verse and began studying it, I was a little confused as to why God had pointed me here b/c Paul, the writer of Colossians is speaking to the church at Colosse and Laodicea and he is instructing them on how one should speak to a non-christian. As I studied deeper, I realized that the Lord was showing me how I am to treat others,regardless of whether or not they proclaim Him as their Savior, so that I would be treated the same way. Even though it was originally intended for a non believer, as a follower of God we should always be an authentic representation of His message. Jesus is all about love, acceptance, trust, my mind that is also what a true friend is all about, I mean, isn't Christ supposed to be or BEST friend?! So I am going to try my hardest to really live this verse. I may have had my feelings hurt, but instead of pouting about it any longer I am going to love that much more. I hope this made some sort of sense....and helps refocus your heart and mind as it did mine....I love the Lord, He is so good!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Drumroll Please......

With the beautiful new layout, I decided I would start something new....every Wednesday will be Wordless Wednesday from now on. What does this mean you means that on Wednesdays you will be able to visit our blog and see a photo (or photos) of what the day held. I'm excited b/c I've felt like the pictures have been lacking, and also Katelyn is so stinkin' cute I feel like I need to share her face with all of you more often!! I hope you are as excited about this as I, check back on Wednesday to see what picture(s) I post!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

TA DA!!!!

Here it is...the beautiful new layout I was telling you all about a few weeks ago!! Isn't it simply fabulous?! It would have been finished A Lot sooner if I wasn't such a procrastinator! I want to remind you all of my talented friend Becca that designed this for me....she is very talented, check her blog out here. Becca is a mommy to Jayci, an adorable six month old that I hope Katelyn becomes good friends with! I am so thankful for all the work Becca did for me on this, I hope all of you enjoy it as much as I do!!
Well, Katelyn has a little bit of a cruddy nose and gross cough that came out of nowhere, so we are heading to the doctor today....hopefully it's nothing!! I will update later! Have a blessed day!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The First Weekend of Spring!

This weekend was fabulous and not just b/c of the weather and fun activities that took place...Katelyn started waving hello and goodbye on Saturday and today she started crawling!! I still cannot believe it!
On Saturday the wonderful neighborhood we live in had a spring sidewalk sale and little carnival for all the residents. Jeremy and I walked down to the clubhouse with Katelyn, Dollie and Brodie, not anticipating the exciting events that would take place! As we walked around the sidewalk sale checking out "the goods" we ended up stopping to talk to one of the families that had a table set up with books and videos for children. They were complimenting Jeremy and I on how cute Katelyn is and were asking us questions about her when the man began to wave at Katelyn and say hi to her...all of a sudden Katelyn raised her arm and slowly began moving it up and down....I could not believe my eyes, she was waving!! To make sure it wasn't a fluke, I began to wave to her and she waved right back...I was so excited, I found all of our neighbors and made them wave to Katelyn so they could all see how amazing she was! She definitely knows what she is doing and it is so fun to be able to interact with her like that!
Now, I did not think that the weekend could get any better after the exciting milestone that took place yesterday, but today after I took Katelyn and Dollie on our daily walk we were in the basement talking with daddy as he was doing some trim work when all of a sudden Katelyn starts crawling across the room! Jeremy and I began laughing b/c it came out of nowhere! I mean for about a month now, she has been pulling up on furniture and even taking a few steps holding onto whatever piece of furniture she is standing next to....she has even been able to get on all fours for at least 3 weeks, but it was like she didn't want to crawl. She has been scooting on her behind ever since she was 6 months old and is very good at it. I thought maybe she just wouldn't crawl and the pediatrician had told me the same thing, since she was so mobile already. As a mom, even though I knew not all children crawl, I still wanted Katelyn to do it, I wanted to be able to check that milestone off the list and be proud of my daughter for being an over achiever and learning multiple ways of moving around!
Now that she has accomplished so much in one weekend, I find myself being a little bit sad that she is growing up so fast. It hasn't even been 10 months since she was born and already she is more of a "big girl" than she is a baby! I knew that time would fly by, but I never anticipated it going as fast as it has! I'm definitely going to be kissing Katelyn and holding her a lot more than usual this week as I try to hold onto my baby as long as she'll let me!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Just Call me Martha!!

I just have to brag on myself for a moment....Last night I made "no sew" pillow slipcovers for the pillows on our couch and love seat in the family room. Now, the reason I am so excited is the fact that I did this all on my own! Every time I have ever made anything with fabric, like the valances in our family room, I have to have my mother's help....and that is pretty embarrassing when you're 26, married with a child to have to call up your mother and ask for her to come save the day...
Now some of you may be wondering why I am so pumped about a project that really took no talent what-so-ever, but once you see how cool this pillow slipcover is, and how inexpensive it could be (depending on the type of fabric you purchase) will be so excited to make some of your own!!

1. First measure your pillow length and width wise. (My pillows are square and are 20x20). Then you double the measurement so that you have enough material to cover each pillow. (That meant my fabric needed to be cut into a 40x40 square).

2. After cutting your fabric, lay it down with a corner facing north (like a diamond) and place the pillow in the middle of the fabric. ( I also ironed my fabric before this step, but you can't tell b/c I had to undo the slipcover to be able to take step by step pictures).

3. Then, take the first corner and fold over the pillow.

4. Next, take the corner underneath the first corner you folded and fold it over the pillow, but this time fold the fabric so that you don't see a point.

5. Finally, gather the last two corners and tie them together into a knot. Tuck the ears of the fabric underneath the folds, to hide any frays.

6. Enjoy your pillows!!!

Isn't that so easy!! I know, I'm a genious....but really I have to thank and their "knot another no-sew pillow slipcover" pattern. I hope this has inspired you to be creative and thrifty...there is nothing better to make yourself burst with pride, than doing something fabulous on a budget!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Our Doggie Dollie

For those of you that don't know the Vastola family has 4 doggies! I know, I'm a saint...but seriously, all four are like Jeremy and I's children. They are the ones that prepared us for Katelyn...teaching us things like discipline and sacrifice. We have been very lucky to have very well behaved and healthy canines...until now. Dollie, our girl Cavalier King Charles Spaniel has been putting on some weight for some time now, which we were aware of. She also has a breathing problem that makes her sound like a piggy when she breathes. I finally broke down and took her to the vet yesterday; I had been trying to hold out until it was time for the yearly checkup...but to no avail, I knew I couldn't wait any longer. We went to a new vet that is closer to home and he took blood to run a complete blood panel and also took a pee-pee sample. We waited to hear from the doctor this morning and when he called he had some good and bad news. Dollie's blood work came back and everything looked great...but the pee-pee sample didn't look so good...we had to go back in today to have an xray and we found some stones!! Now, we have to change her diet to a VERY expensive food and give Dollie an antibiotic for a week....I'm a little relieved, but at the same time I'm sad that my little baby doggie is sick! I will let you know how she does on this new diet and how our wallets do having to buy expensive food and pay the vet bills!! If you wouldn't mind, please pray for my Dollie....I would appreciate it and so would Katelyn! If you are lucky enough to have a pet, go love on them today....they are a special gift that all too often are overlooked and taken for granted.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Twitter me timbers....

I have become a Twitter user! I have no idea what I am as pirates used to say when they were scared..."shiver me timbers"!! I hope I get the hang of it quickly! I have to kinda makes me feel like I'm in high school again, the pressure to have lots of "followers" is unnerving! I mean, people can follow a blog...but most don't, but still visit on a regular basis....with Twitter, if you don't have any followers, you are twittering to yourself!!~how pathetic is that?! Anyway, if you are reading this and you Twitter too...PLEASE follow me-courtneymarie82!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

2009 Peachtree Roadrace

Jeremy and I woke up at 6:30 this morning so that we could register for this year's Peachtree. After about an hour of frustration with the online process we were both signed up! We are so excited! Neither one of our families have ever participated in this Atlanta tradition, but Jeremy and I have always wanted to. It wasn't until Katelyn was born that we decided to actually do it. We are pumped about beginning a new tradition for our family...too bad Katelyn won't be able to run with us until July 4, 2019!! I will definately be posting pics once July 4th rolls around...until then, we will be busy training ourselves to run the 6.2 miles!! I'll let you know how that goes!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The verdict is in...

At today's 9 mo. well visit Katelyn weighed in at 21 lbs. 14 oz. and measured 31.5 inches long!! The doctor made a comment as he always does about her daddy being tall....and I always have to tell him that Jeremy is 5'7 and I am 5'3...then our pediatrician always asks me where Katelyn came's a very silly conversation that we have every well visit! Dr. Arnold said Katelyn looks great and so healthy! She is just growing very fast!! The doctor told me she was the "average size of a 15 month old!" I could not believe it! After the nice visit with the doctor, Katelyn had to have some blood work done...I will not go into it, it's just too painful, but trust me-it was horrible! Katelyn now has a big bruise on her arm, but thankfully that is all that remains from that horrendous experience! I told Katelyn that if she was bigger, I would have taken her for ice cream because she was so brave!
Well, that's all the news for now! I hope you are enjoying God's beautiful creation as it is slowly becoming spring! I think Katelyn and I will go for a walk today, so we can enjoy this wonderful gift the Lord gave us!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Happenings in Harmony Update!!

*FYI* Exciting news! I have a very talented friend who designed a new header for our blog! She will also be putting a new background together too!! I am so very excited for our blog to look so much better!! I cannot tell you how thankful I am for Becca!( She is a new mom too, and definitely stays busy, so I know what a sacrifice of her time it was! Please let me know what you think...I want to be able to tell Becca how much people loved her work! The changes will take place as soon as I decide which family picture I want to use...ugh, I can be so indecisive!! I digress....

9 Months!

Katelyn is 9 months old today! I cannot believe it! Time sure does fly by when you're having fun!! Unfortunately I slipped a disc Monday afternoon, so I haven't been able to play with Katelyn the way I normally do...she's noticed and has been a bit fussy the last two days, but I've been bummed too...I love kissing on her and holding will only all end too soon. Katelyn's 2 top teeth have started coming in which is very exciting! I can already tell she is going to have a BEAUTIFUL smile! I will post a pic as soon as you can see them really well when she grins! I took her to get her 9 month picture today and it went well....a little too well, because I had a very hard time deciding which pose I wanted. If only I had all the money in the world, then I would not have had to choose. Anyway, I will see if I can scan it and put it up so you all can see her in the prettiest Easter dress ever! I really cannot believe that 9 months ago at this time 8:48pm, she had not entered our world yet!...she was definitely on her way was at 9:04pm that she took her first breath and changed Jeremy and I's world forever! I thought I would share a few pictures from that wonderful day when Katelyn was born...isn't she sooo small!