Monday, June 8, 2009

Katelyn's 1st Birthday Party!

Saturday afternoon we had Katelyn's 1st Birthday Party! It was so much fun and Katelyn had a blast!! Here are some pictures from the day.

I made the cake all by myself...I will never do it again...It was a DISASTER!! Thankfully Katelyn is only One and doesn't know how horrible the cake actually looked, all that mattered is that it tasted YUMMY!

She didn't have any fun...j/k, she was a ham as always and had everyone laughing!!

She started off slow with the cake...but by the end, she was standing in it!!

This is where we decided it was time to get cleaned up...Daddy and Katelyn had other plans!

I was a little flabbergasted as I watched Jeremy and Katelyn have their fun...thankfully God sent me a wonderful neighbor, Teresa who cleaned the highchair while Jeremy and I ran upstairs to clean Katelyn!

As you can tell Katelyn enjoyed being the center of attention...and I enjoyed watching her have so much fun! She is definitely like her daddy...always the life of a party! I'm glad next year won't be so messy! I still can't believe my baby is 1! Here's to a 2nd year of fun, laughter and memories!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Katelyn!!

I cannot believe that today has come! A year ago today, my little Kater-tot came into this world, and changed my life forever! Time sure does fly when you're having fun!!
I have had a very full past 2 months, with a vacation to the beach, Jeremy's 29th birthday, a concert to see Jeremy and I's favorite "country" artist, Kenny Chesney, and a special "date night" that involved Jeremy and I getting tattoos!! I apologize for my lapse in commitment to blogging...sometimes when I would think, "I should blog about this",when I found the time to actually sit down, I chose to do something else....most of the time that being having an adult beverage ouside with my neighbors. Hey now, don't judge...a girl has got to have some grownup interaction and fun once her baby has gone to bed!
Anyway, I promise to post pictures very soon of Jeremy and I's tats....that was definitely an experience I will never forget, it didn't really hurt at all if you're wondering...and it was a different type of bonding experience for me and the hubby! I already told Katelyn that she can get a tattoo when she is 18, but she has to tell me about it (beforehand) and she can't get it while on some crazy girl trip somewhere trashy like Daytona, Fl! I don't say any of that from personal me, I am soooo not fun like that!
Another thing that has been keeping me busy the past 2 months has been the planning of Katelyn's 1st Birthday party! I never knew how stressful a birthday party could be...maybe it's just my personality to make everything more difficult than it has to be, who knows... all I know is it took me 6 weeks to find an invitation I thought was cute and worthy enough to be Katelyn's 1st Birthday invite, pathetic huh? When I first began the preparations I thought this process would be so easy, I nailed down a theme fast-Cupcakes. Check. When to have the party-Saturday after her birthday, June 6th. Check. What time to have the party-2:30 so I don't have to do lots of food. Check. Then came the first snag in the web in which I was weaving...who to invite-just immediate family, all family with a few friends, all family with all of our friends...after 7 weeks of stressing out about what to do, and changing my mind atleast 4 different times, I went with all family and a few friends. We'll see how that decision pans out.
Now with it being Katelyn's actual birthday and the party only being 2 days I stressing? No...not yet anyway...I'll leave that for Saturday morning. What I am doing is reflecting over the past year, trying to take it all in that my baby is slowly turning into a big girl, and if I thought this year went fast, I better buckle my seat belt b/c every year after this will go even faster!I want to remember all of Katelyn's favorite things right now, so I thought I would list them here:
*Bluberries, she would be blue if she had the choice b/c she would NEVER stop eating them!
*"Holey" Blankets (my name for the crocheted blankets she sleeps with), she puts her fingers through the holes and then sucks on the edge of the blanket to go to sleep...seriously the CUTEST thing I have ever seen!
*Music, she can't sleep without it, I can't talk on my cell for more than a few minutes in the car b/c she will let me know that the radio needs to be turned up, she has some pretty mean dance moves that she likes to do to make her daddy laugh, and once he is giggling uncontrollably, she comes up with a new move that takes the laughter to a completely new level!
*Her 4 doggies, she laughs when they play together and loves to give them kisses...she also loves to "pet" them, but daddy and I are trying to teach her that she has to be a little more gentle. She lights up int the morning when all 5 of us go in to get her out of her crib and always waves and says hello to them...also, she loves to share her food with them, which makes mommy's cleanup job a bit easier!
*Water, she has liked the water ever since the first time she went to the pool when she was 6 weeks old. Bathtime is mommy's favorite time of day b/c she is the most cooperative and now when we go to the pool she "walks" around the edge of the kiddie pool nonstop!
*Outdoors, whenever she gets a "booboo" we walk outside and the crying immediately stops! She loves to "play" with all the big kids on our street and show off her new skills, whatever it may be to all the neighbors. She loves the grass, I don't know how much she's eaten, but it's a lot and walks in the jogging stroller with Dollie is usually her favorite of the day!
I could keep going, this child just loves life and is so happy really everything could be called a fave, but I won't b/c that would take away from the things I did list...all of the above things really are her most favorite! I didn't list mommy and daddy b/c that's just a given!!

Katelyn: as I look back over the past year, I cannot tell you how wonderful it has been to be your mommy. You are such a joy! I will cherish all of the big moments, like when you first sat up, crawled, waved, clapped and said "hi". I will cherish all of the small moments like when we're eating lunch and you lean over to feed me some of your food and once I've taken a bite of whatever you feed me you clap and say yay...just like I do when you eat something new for the first time. You always know how to make mommy smile and let me know that I'm doing a good job. I cannot get over how beautiful God made you and only hope that you know not only how much mommy and daddy love you, but how much Jesus loves you. I pray that I will teach you about God's love everyday and that you will embrace His truth in your own life as you continue to grow. I am so proud of you and cannot wait to see all you will do in this next year! I promise not to hold you too tight, as to keep you from going where you need to go, but just know that you will always be my baby no matter how old you are, and as your mommy I will always struggle with you growing up...b/c if I had it my way, you would stay young and close to me forever!! I love you my little Kater-tot!