Saturday, November 29, 2008

Santa Claus is Comin' to Town!

Jeremy and I took Katelyn to meet Santa Claus today! It was so much fun...She looked so adorable in her new Christmas dress and she wasn't scared one bit of Jolly Ole Saint Nicholas! Jeremy and I opted not to pay for one of the professional pictures and just snapped a few quick photos with our camera instead...I know, we'll regret that later~you live and learn.
I wanted to share this with you all because I think it was more fun for Jeremy and I then it was for's funny how a child brings out hidden feelings of nostalgia for the man with a round belly that shakes when he laughs like a bowl full of jelly!
I couldn't help but begin thinking back to Christmas' past...sleeping with my sisters, staying up telling stories and giggling, Melanie and I being scared to death when ever the Sugar Plum Fairy song played on the radio, waking up at 6am and yelling down the stairs for mom and dad to wake up so we could run down stairs to find all of our gifts from Santa....the way all the Christmas lights looked dream like on Christmas eve and early Christmas morning, driving to Tennessee and Chicago/Canada/St. Louis to be with family on Christmas day after all the gifts had been unwrapped, the excitement of knowing we had even more presents to come...staying up late playing games with Adam, Aaron, Aunt Nena and Grammie...bowling, movies, return day at the mall...I could keep going, but I won't. I'm sure you all have your own memories, some similar to mine, and others unique to you and your family history...
I am so excited, not only for this 1st Christmas with Katelyn but every Christmas to come with Katelyn and any other children we may have...helping with lists and letters to Santa, trips to the mall to sit on Santa's lap to make requests, staying up late with Jeremy putting together who knows what will be asked for, waking up early because I'm the parent that is being yelled at to wake up, watching Katelyn's face as she opens her gifts....
I am so thankful that God gives us a Holiday to not only reflect on His birth and all that means to our Christian heritage, but to reflect on our childhood and all that means to our family heritage...
I leave you with this..."So, you better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout, I'm tellin' you why~Santa Claus is comin' to town!


Anonymous said...

Hi.. Katelyn is just adorable! I can't believe how much she has grown. It all happens way too fast. We also took Sage to see Santa was such a wonderful "1st Christmas" experience, and one that we will never forget. These sweet baby girls have truely blessed our lives!

Jackie, Matt and Sage Werts
(Bill & Teresa's daughter) :)

Betty Anne said...

I am so excited to have found your blog, Courtney (from your darling Christmas card. Thank you!). I love all your entries, your heart, and your transparency. Have a wonderful Christmas!