Saturday, November 6, 2010

Halloween and a Haircut

Well, it has been a busy week or 2 for the Vastola's!! I love how this season brings such fun things and memories being made...I just do not like how quickly it all passes by!

Halloween came and went but not without a camera happy are some pics of our Dorothy and Lion!!
I love this little boy! Isn't he a cutie?!
This big girl didn't want to have anything to do with pictures...this is the only one I have of just her....that stinker!!
Their faces are priceless...Mom, are we done yet?! Ha! Love it!!!
Okay, now momma's happy...look at that sibling love!!

We had 2 Halloween's this year because Jeremy had to work on the actual day. Saturday I made my "Witches Brew" and invited the grandparents over. We ate, dressed the kids up and did a practice round of trick or treating at a few neighbors homes' so daddy could carry Logan up to his 1st houses!!
On Sunday I took the kids to Jeremy's grandparents house so Katelyn could trick or treat with her cousins...Jeremy's sister and her family live in a neighbohood that doesn't get into Halloween, so they trick or treat every year at the great grands. It was fun and good not to be alone, but I am so thankful we live in a neighbohood full of kids! I made sure we got home in time to pass out some of our candy...
I love K's face here (she's showing us her favorite treat of the night)...I am so glad my kids will have memoies with ALL of their great grandparents!!

The Thursday before Halloween K had a Fall party at school! Jeremy got to be there and it was so fun to see Katelyn in her school enviornment! I learned that day she is the youngest in her class, although many have late spring brought up all of my questions and thoughts inside of whether or not we should wait on Kindergarten until she's of my least favorite things about parenting is the stuff you have to think about and consider years before it is ever an issue!!
Do you see our big girl at her class table with all of her little friends?!
We got to do a fun pumpkin was the cutest craft I've ever done...totally saved that one in my memory file!!

After a busy few days of party's and get together's, I took Katelyn to get her 1st haircut!! I know, long time coming...she did pretty good for her fist time and the cut is so cute!
Right before...bye, bye baby wispy's!!
During...look at how grown up she already looks!
All it!
Look at my not a baby anymore little girl!!

I told ya we've been busy!! I still am not used to seeing Katelyn with a big girl hairstyle...Jeremy just commented yesterday about how there really is no trace of baby left...boohoo! Good thing I have Logan...and Lord willingly no more!! I love babies, but I'm finding that I love when those babies get bigger!!
I hope the start of this holiday season has been just as wonderful for you, and I pray it only gets better!! I can't wait to turn on some Christmas music...we're less than 3 weeks away!

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